"ִ ״ 츮 ּ!"
Է : 2019. 09. 05() 21:52

̾۶Ͱ ǰ ̾߱⸦ Ƿ?

ȸ , ǻ, ߴ ̻ Ư¡ ߴ־ƼƮ ̾߱.

鿡 Ǵ ̾۶Ͱ ǰ ;" ð Ű忡 ִ ''. ׿ ϴ. 麸 Ǻ , ϱ  ؾߵ ̰ ³ մϴ. ٸ ֵ麸 ϴ ü Ͻô 𸣰ڰ ϰ ִ ̰ ³? ϴ ż ׿ ϳ Դϴ.

ξ OST 'Part of your World' θ .

ӿ Բ Ϸմϴ.

Ȯ .

Part of Your World - ξ(The Little Mermaid) OST

Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat?

̰͵ , ʾ?

Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?

ǰ Ϻ ʴ?

Wouldn't you think I'm the girl The girl who has ev'rything?

ھֶ ׷ ʴ??

Look at this trove Treasures untold

Ѱ͵ . 赵 Ѱž.

How many wonders can one cavern hold?

űѰ͵ 󸶳 ?

Lookin' around here you'd think

ѷ, ׸ Ƹ ̷ ϰ.

(Sure) she's got everythin

() ׳ ־.

I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty

̰ űϰ Ѱ͵ .

I've got whozits and whatzits galore

̷͵, ͵鵵 ִٱ.

You want thingamabobs? I got twenty

thingamabobs ;? 20 ־

But who cares?

ٵ ̳ ??

No big deal

̷ ߿Ѱ ƴϾ.

I want more


I wanna be where the people are

ִ° ;.

I wanna see, wanna see 'em dancin'

ߴ°͵ Ͱ,

Walkin' around on those Whad'ya call 'em?, oh - feet

, , , "" ̶°ɷ ɾٴϴ°͵ Ͱ.

Flippin' your fins you don't get too far

ϸ ̸ ָ ݾ.

Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'

ٸ° پٴϰ ߴµ,

Strollin' along down a (What's that word again?) street

׸, , װ ׷? , Ÿ, ɾٴϴµ °.

Up where they walk Up where they run

ɾٴϰ پ ٴϴ ,

Up where they stay all day in the sun Wanderin' free

Ϸ ޻ Ʒ Ӱ Դٰ ϸ ִ°,

Wish I could be Part of that world

׷ ھ.

What would I give If I could live Outta these waters?

밡 ġ ұ?

What would I pay To spend a day Warm on the sand?

Ϸȸ ,

Betcha on land They understand

󸶸 ؾ ϴ°? Ʋ. Ҳ.

Bet they don't reprimand their daughters

ڱ ʰ.

Bright young women Sick o' swimmin' Ready to stand

ϱ⿡ , ڸ غ Ǿִ ȶϰ ư .

And ready to know what the people know

ƴ° غ Ǿִٱ.

Ask 'em my questions And get some answers

ñѰ͵ , ͺ.

What's a fire and why does it(What's the word?) burn?

''̶° , װ, ó, 'ź' ϴ° ̾.

When's it my turn?

Դ 뿡 ׷ ñ??

Wouldn't I love Love to explore that shore above?

ϴ° Ŷ ʾ??

Out of the sea Wish I could be Part of that world

ٴٸ , ھ

˻ Է